DU Meter

DU Meterfor Windows

Here on PCFilesZone.com you can download DU Meter for free for your use. We serve certified 100% clean, safe to download and install DU Meter file. You can download DU Meter for free in just one click.

version: 6.40
Free Download


Find the download links and enjoy DU Meter on your laptop, computer or desktop without spending a penny.


License : Free
Developer : Rose City Software
OS : Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP
Version : 6.40

Download DU Meter for free

You can download the DU Meter for Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP by clicking on the Download button which you find below. DU Meter is a user-friendly tool that enables you to use your Internet connection more efficiently. DU Meter lets you see how much of your full bandwidth potential is actually utilized at any given point, either by displaying a real-time graph, numerical display, or both. It works with Dial-Up, DSL, DSL, Cable Modem, and Ethernet cards. DU Meter can be configured to fit neatly in the blank space on your browser toolbar and uses only a very small amount of Windows resources. DU Meter installation involves no changes to your Windows system files. The current version includes some superb new features including full logging and reporting capabilities with export to many different file formats, including Excel and HTML. It also has an auto hide feature, monitoring of online hours with alerts, a fully customizable interface, and a great stopwatch which helps you to accurately time your downloads.


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