With KMPlayer, Play digital media in various formats, no external codecs required . Here on PCFilesZone.com you can download KMPlayer for free for your use. We serve certified 100% clean, safe to download and install KMPlayer file. You can download KMPlayer for free in just one click.
version: the download links and enjoy KMPlayer on your laptop, computer or desktop without spending a penny. Play digital media in various formats, no external codecs required
It can play lots of type of multimedia documents with its own built-in codec and also add an external codec. Along with playing huge data smoothly, you can freely adjust the video clip display and also sound with sophisticated image processing features such as noise reduction as well as super high rate mode. Experience KMPlayer, which has been used by individuals around the globe for over ten years.
Key functions: Internal Codecs: Built-in codec makes it possible for quick as well as convenient use without any setting. Varied Style assistance: RTS, MPEG1, MPEG2, AAC, WMA7, WMA8, OGG High top quality: 3D, 4K, UHD photos are played more clearly and also strongly. Caption feature: Supports captions in SMI, ASS, SRT, PSB, S2K, SUB, TXT and also LRC formats. Video capture function: Capture preferred display as well as audio in the layout you desire. Multiple language assistance: Sustains 24 languages for users worldwide. You can download and install Net video clips through KMPlayer (YouTube, Instagram, Daily Movement).
License : Free |
Developer : KMP PANDORA.TV |
OS : Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP |
Version : |
You can download the KMPlayer for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP by clicking on the Download button which you find below.