
LockItTightfor Windows

Here on PCFilesZone.com you can download LockItTight for free for your use. We serve certified 100% clean, safe to download and install LockItTight file. You can download LockItTight for free in just one click.

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So you're in a swanky coffeeshop in a fashionable neighborhood with a friendly vibe. You only rose to re-fill your water glass ... and your laptop is gone. Disappeared. No person sought out from their own laptop computer or phone to see who strolled off with it. It gets further away by the 2nd: Maybe on the other side of the planet in hrs. If you were authorized up with LockItTight's free online service, you 'd have the ability to browse through to LockItTight's site, accessibility your account, and see where your COMPUTER is currently. Not only that, but you might have caught the burglar in the act! LockItTight likewise tapes screenshots, Web cam photos, keystrokes, and clipboard data. If anyone apes with your PC while you're away from it, it can show you when they utilized your computer system, what they did, their keystrokes, and, if your Webcam is active, their identity.

You'll need to visit LockItTight's Website and enroll in a cost-free account to set up the client software program on your COMPUTER. It's easy to do, yet you'll have to supply individual info like name and time area. When you've visited, LockItTight finishes the installation procedure as well as opens an Online console. We logged in to our online account and also opened our Devices page. This is an ad-supported Internet web page that listed our COMPUTER as our first device. Clicking Program on Map opened up a Google Maps page showing the place of our PC. It must have been our ISP's web server due to the fact that it was our community however not in the hood, in a manner of speaking. Yet that was with a cable television modem hookup, not WiFi; mobile individuals ought to get far better results. You can include a range of mobile phones for LockItTight to track, too.

Clicking our device's name in LockItTight's console opened up a new page with a series of buttons accessing LockItTight's security logs: Place(s), Displays, Camera, Data, Keys, Clipboard, as well as Internet Browser Background. One point: Neither the Internet page nor the data LockItTight's free software version captures are encrypted. To encrypt captures, you need to update to the paid version, which additionally removes the advertisements.


License : Free
Developer : Timeon Technologies
OS : Windows 10, Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows XP
Version :

Download LockItTight for free

You can download the LockItTight for Windows 10, Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows XP by clicking on the Download button which you find below.


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