Rename for Mac

Rename for Macfor Mac

Here on you can download Rename for Mac for free for your use. We serve certified 100% clean, safe to download and install Rename for Mac file. You can download Rename for Mac for free in just one click.

version: 1.7.0
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Find the download links and enjoy Rename for Mac on your laptop, computer or desktop without spending a penny.

Rename for Mac finds and also labels documents rapidly on your system. Its additional features for searching documents makes it a great program for many users.

Relabel for Mac mounts conveniently and also starts up into a rather basic user interface. Many will have the ability to discern its main features without way too much test and also error. A row of check boxes on the left side allows the individual to select alternatives for procedures, including expansions, prefixes, and suffixes, amongst others. To the right of each of the checkboxes are areas where text can be entered. As an example, beside the discover function, customer can get in the text to seek as well as its replacement. In the base of the window, a checklist of selected documents shows up where the modification can be previewed as well as confirmed prior to applying. The labels and also boxes do not have evident functions, which can make a new customer's time learning the program hard. Furthermore, once we clicked on the "Include Documents" choice we discovered that several of the switches were not classified in English, however in Dutch. The search as well as replace features did work rapidly throughout screening, returning the appropriate names as gone into.

Relabel for Mac does its functions well with only a couple of concerns along the road. If you do not mind figuring it out by yourself and also have lots of files to rename, this is a respectable choice.


License : Free
Developer : Pathos Software
OS : Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.1, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.2, Macintosh, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.3, Mac OS X 10.8
Version : 1.7.0

Download Rename for Mac for free

You can download the Rename for Mac for Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.1, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.2, Macintosh, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.3, Mac OS X 10.8 by clicking on the Download button which you find below.


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