YouTube Music Downloader + Portable Free Download

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YouTube Music Downloader + Portable Free Download

YouTube Music Downloader + Portable Free Download

YouTube Music Downloader is an intuitive kit designed to help users download their favorite YouTube video clips. It can be managed by anyone, regardless of previous experience in those applications.

You can also download: Youtube Download Premium

YouTube Music Downloader

YouTube Music Downloader

The installation procedure is done in a short time and does not need a special entry on behalf of the user. The GUI is made from a standard window with a clean and intuitive structure, where you can create a new download job by pasting the YouTube URL, pointing out the output format and location, and clicking on a button.

YouTube Music Downloader supports MP3,  MP4, AMG MPR, WMV, 3GP,  AAC and other output formats, so it basically converts the videos to a preferred file type after downloading them.

This task does not take long to complete, during which YouTube Music Downloader runs on a fairly low amount of CPU and RAM. It does not affect the overall performance of the PC and, since it can be minimized in the taskbar, it does not interrupt the user’s normal activity.

With regard to the configuration of the program, it is possible to configure YouTube Music Downloader so that it opens the output directory when the task is finished, as well as to automatically open the drag area (a small drop-down box that is displayed on the screen) to help you process) easier YouTube links).

A built-in web browser is available to locate designated videos faster and without handling third-party applications. It is possible to delete an entry from the list, as well as delete the entire queue.

Unfortunately, the unregistered version of YouTube Music Downloader has some serious limitations. For example, it does not allow users to edit audio and video output parameters. Other similar applications offer the same functionality and are free, such as aTube Catcher.

Features of YouTube Music Downloader Portable:

Use the YouTube music downloader to download YouTube high definition videos
With YouTube Downloader, you can download YouTube Music Video as an MPEG4 HD (high definition) video format.

Use YouTube Music Down-loader to download the YouTube HQ video
With YouTube Downloader, you can download YouTube Music Video as an MP4 HQ video format (high quality).

Use the YouTube music download as an MP3 downloader
With YouTube Downloader, you can download YouTube music videos to MP3 audio for iPod, MP3 player and mobile phone.

Use the YouTube music download as YouTube Video Downloader
we can download YouTube music videos to WMV and AVI and  files and watch them offline

Use YouTube Music Down-loader to download videos for iPod
With the YouTube Downloader, you can download YouTube music videos to MOV format and watch music videos on your iPod

Use YouTube Music Downloader software to download videos for PSP
With YouTube Downloader, you can download videos from YouTube Music To MP4 for PSP

Use YouTube Music Downloader to download mobile videos
With YouTube Downloader, you can download YouTube music videos to 3GP files, you can see them on your cell phone

Technical Details of YouTube Music Downloader:

  • Software Name: YouTube Music Downloader v9.9.1.2
  • Software File Name: YouTube Downloader v9.9.1.2.rar
  • File Size: 40/51
  • Developer: FreeTime

System Requirements for YouTube Music Downloader:

  • Operating System: Windows 10/8/7/Vista
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB of minimum free HDD
  • Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher

Normal Version:

[stextbox id=’download’ defcaption=”true”]


Portable Version:

[stextbox id=’download’ defcaption=”true”]


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